
Hi Profs! Welcome to the User Guide for Tuthub, a Command Line Interface (CLI) App that will help you find your next batch of teaching assistants (TA) in no time!

Tuthub is a desktop app for NUS professors who wish to track and choose their next batch of teaching assistants/tutors based on their past performance and records but have little time to spare for tedious administrative work. Tuthub helps profs who can type fast find the best TAs faster than traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) apps.

About This Document

This section will introduce you to the symbols frequently used in this User Guide as well as Tuthub application layout and command format to aid your understanding of the document.

If you would like to:

  • Install Tuthub and try out some quick commands, please visit our Quick Start section.
  • Find out more comprehensive details about Tuthub commands, please visit our Features section.
  • Find out more about specific terms used, please visit our Glossary.

Symbols and Syntax

Symbol What it means
highlights Executable commands or possible parameters that can be entered into the CLI, or in some cases, some technical terms.
:information_source: Additional information that may be useful to know
:bulb: Tips to improve the Tuthub experience
:exclamation: Things to be cautious of and should be followed closely

Layout of Tuthub Application Window

The image below shows a Tuthub Application Window (with a tutor profile selected) with all its sections labelled.


The following table describes the sections in detail:

No. Section Description
1 Toolbars Contains buttons to exit the app/view help.
2 Command Box Accepts text input for you to type in your commands.
3 Result Display Box Displays various messages (e.g. success/error messages) after commands are entered.
4 Tutor List Card Displays condensed information of a tutor saved in Tuthub.
5 Tutor List Panel Displays the entire/filtered list of tutors saved in Tuthub.
6 Tutor Details Pane Displays full details of a tutor saved in Tuthub.
7 Storage File Location Displays the location of your Tuthub data file.

Command Format

:information_source: Some general rules that Tuthub commands follow:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/good or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with after them can be used as many times as the user would like.
    e.g. [t/TAG]… can be used multiple times like t/good or t/good t/highRatings, or can be omitted altogether.

Frequently Used Command Parameters

:information_source: Some notes about parameters:

  • Parameters with a prefix can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • Commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will ignore follow-up inputs.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

Parameter Note
INDEX - Index refers to a valid index number shown in displayed tutor list and must be a positive integer, i.e. 1, 2, 3, …​.
NAME - Names must contain at least 1 word, and at most 1 space is allowed between words.
- Only English alphabets and the symbols /,',- are accepted and cannot be surrounded by spaces. e.g. Smith - Jones is invalid, but Smith-Jones is valid.
PHONE_NUMBER - Phone numbers can only contain digits, i.e.0-9 and must be at least 3 digits long.
EMAIL - Emails must be the tutor’s NUSNet ID, e.g. E1234567 or, where the E is case-insensitive.
- If is not provided, Tuthub will automatically append it for you.
MODULE - Modules consist of the following (in order): 2 compulsory letters, 2 optional letters, 4 compulsory digits, 2 optional letters.
YEAR - Year takes in an integer from 1 to 6.
STUDENT_ID - Student IDs consists of an A followed by 7 digits and any single capital letter behind.
TEACHING_NOMINATIONS - Teaching nominations take in positive integers including 0. Leading zeros in the teaching nominations will not be allowed. e.g. 00001 is invalid.
RATING - Ratings take in numbers between 0 and 5 inclusive.
- Decimal values are optional but only a maximum of 2 decimals is allowed.
TAG - A tutor can have any number of tags (including 0).
- Tags should be alphanumeric and should not contain any spaces.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest tuthub.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Tuthub.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear within a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data, as shown below:

  5. Type the command in the ‘Command Box’ and press Enter to execute it.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list : Lists all tutors.

    • view 3 : Displays full details of the 3rd tutor shown in the current list.

    • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/e1234567 m/CS2100 y/3 s/A0123456X tn/1 r/5.0 : Adds a tutor named John Doe to Tuthub.

    • find n/alex : Finds all tutors with names containing alex.

    • delete 3 : Deletes the 3rd tutor shown in the current list.

    • clear : Deletes all tutors.

    • comment 1 c/Always on time: Adds a comment to the first tutor that he is always on time.

    • exit : Exits the Tuthub app.

  6. If you would like to find out more, refer to Features below for comprehensive details of each command.


Viewing help: help

If you are new to Tuthub or need a refresher for available commands, help displays a table of Tuthub command summary and a link to our User Guide for your convenience.

Format: help


:information_source: Note: Empty commands (e.g. whitespace) will display the usage of the help command to redirect new users to the list of commands.

:bulb: Tip: You may also click on the Help Toolbar to access the command summary table.

Listing all tutors: list

Shows a list of all tutors registered in Tuthub.

Format: list

Viewing a tutor: view

If you would like to find out more about a particular tutor, view a tutor to see all available information about their contact details and past performance.

Format: view INDEX


  • view 2 causes the corresponding Tutor Details Pane of the 2nd tutor to appear on the right, as shown below: view

:bulb: Tip: You may also click on a Tutor List Card to execute a view command instead

Adding a tutor: add

Found a new tutor who’s not already recorded in Tuthub? Simply add them in!


:information_source: Note: Tutors are regarded as the same if they have the same email or student ID!

:bulb: Tip: Refer to this section for more information about various parameters!


  • add n/Betsy Crowe t/seniorTa e/e1134567 m/CS1101S y/3 p/1234567 s/A1123456X tn/2 r/4.5 adds a new tutor, Betsy Crowe, as shown in the screenshot (after viewing):


Editing a tutor: edit

Edits an existing tutor in Tuthub. This is useful for updating information of tutors that has changed or has been wrongly input.


:information_source: Note:

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the tutor will be removed i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • To remove all tags from a tutor, type t/ without specifying any tags after it, i.e. edit 1 t/ .

:bulb: Tip: Refer to this section for more information about various parameters!


  • edit 1 p/91234567 e/e7654321 Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st tutor to be 91234567 and respectively.
  • edit 2 n/Betsy Crower t/ Edits the name of the 2nd tutor to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags, as shown below:


  • edit 3 m/CS2100 y/3 s/A0654729L Edits the module code, year, and student id of the 3rd tutor to be CS2100, 3, and A0654729L respectively.
  • edit 3 tn/2 r/4.58 Edits the number of teaching nominations and rating of the 3rd tutor to be 2 and 4.58 respectively.

Commenting on a tutor: comment

Tracking a tutor? Use the comment command to add comments to a tutor.

Format: comment INDEX c/COMMENT


  • comment 1 c/Tasks not Finished adds a comment of “Tasks not Finished” on the 1st tutor, reflected on their Tutor Details Pane as shown below:

added comment

Deleting comments on a tutor: deletecomment or dc

Deletes a specific comment from the specified tutor.


:information_source: Note:

  • TUTOR_INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed tutor list.
  • COMMENT_INDEX refers to the index number of the comment shown in the comment section.
  • Both indices must be positive integers 1, 2, 3, …​


  • deletecomment 1 1 and dc 1 1 deletes the 1st comment from the 1st tutor.

Search for tutor by attribute: find

Searching for tutors that teach relevant or specific modules? Looking for tutors with the best ratings? The find command allows you to do so by searching through the list of tutors based on specified attributes of the tutors along with the search keywords provided.


:information_source: Note:

  • The find command works by entering only one prefix corresponding to a tutor’s profile attribute, followed by the keyword(s) to search
  • Multiple find commands executed consecutively do not act upon the list of tutors that each find command has resulted in. e.g. Entering find m/cs2100 after find n/alex will not find tutors teaching CS2100 from the list of tutors that find n/alex outputted.
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. find n/hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. find n/Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Only the attribute that corresponds to the prefix entered is searched.
  • Partial words will be matched for the following tutor attributes: NAME, PHONE_NUMBER, EMAIL, MODULE, YEAR, STUDENT_ID, TEACHING_NOMINATIONS, TAG. e.g. find n/Han will match Hans
  • For Rating attribute, matching is done based on whether the rating of a tutor starts with the keywords searched. e.g. find r/4 will match both 4.99 and 4.15
  • Tutors with attributes being searched that match at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. find n/Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber and Bo Yang

:bulb: Tip: Refer to this section for more information about various parameters!


  • find n/John returns all tutors with names that contains John.
  • find n/alex david returns all tutors with names that contain Alex or David, as shown below:


  • find p/98765432 99999999 returns the tutors with phone number 98765432 or 99999999.
  • find e/e1234567 e7654321 returns the tutors with email or
  • find m/cs2100 cs2105 returns the tutors teaching module cs2100 or cs2105.
  • find y/4 returns all tutors who are in year 4 of their studies.
  • find s/A0123456X A0123456Y returns the tutors with student id A0123456X or A0123456Y.
  • find tn/3 returns all tutors that have 3 teaching nominations.
  • find r/4.0 returns all tutors that have rating of 4.0.
  • find r/4 returns all tutors that having rating starting with 4.
  • find t/senior returns all tutors that have a tag containing senior, as shown below:


Contacting tutors via email: mail

Contacting targeted tutors is made easy with the mail command. The command opens the user’s default mail client and specifies the “to” section in emails with the targeted tutors.

Format: mail INDEX or mail all

:information_source: Note:

  • INDEX refers to any index in range of the tutor list.
  • all allows you to email all the current tutors displayed in the tutor list.


  • mail 3 opens the user’s default mail client with the “to” specified as the third tutor’s email.
  • mail all opens the user’s default mail client with the “to” specified as all the currently displayed tutors’ emails, as shown below.


Sorting tutors by quantitative measures: sort

Looking for tutors with the best reviews? The sort command allows you to sort the list of tutors in ascending or descending order based on different quantitative measures, such as rating and teaching nomination. More specifications on the sort command is visible below.

Format: sort ORDER PREFIX

:information_source: Note:

  • ORDER can be one of the two values: a (ascending) or d (descending).
  • PREFIX refers to one of the prefixes of quantitative measures (e.g. r/).
  • Currently, sort is implemented for the prefixes r/ (RATING) and tn/ (TEACHING_NOMINATIONS).
  • Sort only accepts one prefix, hence sort a tn/ r/ will return an error.


  • sort a r/ sorts the tutors in ascending order (low to high) based on tutor ratings.
  • sort d tn/ sorts the tutors in descending order (high to low) based on tutor teaching nominations.

Deleting a tutor: delete

Deletes the specified tutors from Tuthub. This could be useful if you are removing tutors that have already graduated or if you are trying to better organise Tuthub to only contain tutors that you have hired.

Format: delete INDEX

:exclamation: Caution: Deleting a tutor is irreversible! Only enter this command when you are very sure that the tutor profile is not needed anymore!


  • list followed by delete 2 deletes the 2nd tutor in Tuthub.
  • find n/Betsy followed by delete 1 deletes the 1st tutor with name containing Betsy in the results of the find command (given that such tutor exists).

Clearing all entries: clear

Clears all entries from Tuthub. You may find this particularly useful if you would like to clear all the sample data when using Tuthub for the first time.

Format: clear

:exclamation: Caution: Clearing all the data is irreversible! Only enter this command when you are very sure that all the existing tutor profiles are not needed!

Exiting the program: exit

Exits Tuthub app.

Format: exit

Command Summary

Action Format Examples (if any)
See Help help  
List All Tutors list  
View a Tutor view view 1
Add Tutor add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL y/YEAR m/MODULE s/STUDENT_ID tn/TEACHING_NOMINATIONS r/RATING [t/TAG]…​ add n/Betsy Crowe e/ p/1234567 m/CS1101S y/3 s/A0123456X tn/1 r/4.99 t/senior
Comment on a Tutor comment INDEX c/COMMENT comment 1 c/Tasks not Finished
Delete a Comment deletecomment TUTORINDEX COMMENTINDEX or dc TUTORINDEX COMMENTINDEX deletecomment 1 1, dc 1 1
Edit a Tutor’s Details edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [m/MODULE] [y/YEAR] [s/STUDENT_ID] [tn/TEACHING_NOMINATIONS] [r/RATING] [t/TAG]…​ edit 3 m/CS2100 y/3 s/A0654729L
Find a Tutor find PREFIX/KEYWORDS [KEYWORDS] find n/Alex
Mail Tutor(s) mail INDEX or "all" mail 3, mail all
Sort Tutor List sort ORDER PREFIX sort a r/
Delete a Tutor delete INDEX delete 3
Clear Tutor List clear  
Exit Tuthub exit  


Q: How do I save my data in Tuthub?
A: Tuthub data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command is executed. There is no need to save manually.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Tuthub home folder.

Q: Why is my previous data not loaded properly into Tuthub?
A: It is highly likely that your data storage file has something in the wrong format. It is recommended to check the log files to see what happened when Tuthub started up.


Term Definition
Command Line Interface (CLI) A text-based interface where users may interact with the system by typing in commands.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) A graphic-based interface where users may interact with graphical components (e.g. icons and menus) to interact with the system.
JAR File Java Archive File with multiple files compressed into one and may be an executable.
Java A widely used programming language.
Javascript Object Notation (JSON) A lightweight format for storing and transporting data.
Parameter A specific tutor detail to be provided for a command to run.