Overview of Tuthub

Tuthub is a desktop app for NUS professors who wish to track and choose their next batch of teaching assistants/tutors based on their past performance and records but have little time to spare for tedious administrative work. Tuthub helps profs who can type fast find the best TAs faster than traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) apps.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

RepoSense Link

Project Management

  • Set up the Github team org, team repo.
  • Set up Tuthub’s external tools, Codecov and Gradle.
  • Managed and delegated work and issues in the issue tracker (authored 96 issues).
  • Managed Tuthub’s Github releases v1.2, v1.2.1, and v1.3. This can be viewed here.

Enhancements implemented

New Feature: sort, added the feature to sort the tutor list based on rating and teaching nominations (#127).

  • What it does:
    • Allows the user to sort the currently displayed tutor list. The user can choose to sort based on the Rating and TeachingNomination of the tutor in ascending or descending order. Any list, whether it be a filtered list (after find) or the original list can be sorted.
  • Justification:
    • This feature serves as one of Tuthub’s main features. To find the best and most suitable TAs, this feature enables profs to search based on the available quantitative measures.
  • Highlights:
    • This enhancement involves the ui, logic, and model of Tuthub. It heavily relies on the Java class javafx.collections.transformation.SortedList which allows easy switching of the Comparator.
  • Fixed bugs regarding the sort command (#201).

New Feature: mail, added the feature to mail tutors (#162).

  • What it does:
    • Allows the user to contact the targeted tutors with their default mail client. This is done by specifying the “to” in an email. The user is able to choose to mail a single tutor or all the tutors currently displayed in the list.
  • Justification:
    • This feature simplifies the process of contacting tutors. Rather than copying and pasting one by one, mail provides profs with a simple and fast medium for contacting desired tutors.
  • Highlights:
    • This enhancement involves the logic and model part of Tuthub. The command and parser of mail lies in the logic part. Model is used in accessing the currently displayed tutor list. This feature utilizes the Java classes java.awt.Desktop and java.net.URI to open the user’s default mail client.


  • Modified and fixed bugs in Comment, CommentCommand, and DeleteCommentCommand and their parsers (#185).
    • Fixed bugs found in:
    • Added test cases for these logic classes.
  • Updated the Tutor class (was Person) to store additional fields StudentId (#76) and Rating (#114).
    • Implemented the fields into the add command and Tutor class.
    • Added test cases for StudentId and Rating models.

Contributions to the UG

  • Added documentation for the features sort (#127) and mail (#162).
  • Added documentation to additional model details StudentId and Rating (#259)
  • Added some parts in the FAQ section (#184).

Contributions to the DG

  • Added implementation details, use case, and manual testing instructions for the sort command (#156).
  • Added implementation details, use case, and manual testing instructions for the mail command (#299)
  • Provided the base for user stories, use cases, glossary, and NFRs (#59)

Reviewing contributions

  • PRs reviewed:
  • Reported 14 bugs for other teams in PE-D.
  • Participated in the module forum